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Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

information And Instruction's

Sapaan yang biasa diucapkan dalam bahasa inggris apanila dua orang saling bertemu misalnya :
                                      -            Hello. How are you ?
                                      -            Good morning .
                                      -            Good afternoon.
                                      -            Good evening.
Ada sapaan formal da nada juga sapaan tidak formal
o   Sapaan formal digunakan pada orang yang perlu dihormati misalnya :
Guru, Orang tua, Teman yang baru kita kenal.
Contoh Percakapan Formal
Prof Brown   : hello, Sue. Good morning ?
Sue Defoe     : good morning, how are you  ?
Prof Brown   : fine. Thank you. And you ?
Sue Defoe     : I’m very well. Thank you ?
Contoh Percakapan Tidak Formal
Susan            : Hi. Debby, how are you ?
Debby           : fine, thanks you ?
Susan            : how is you mother ?
Debby           : She is all right, she stays with my sister in the village.
What a about your parents ? How are you they ?  
Susan                        : They are fine. The live in the village too.
Contoh ungkapan salam yang digunakan apabila dia menyatakan kabar kita :
                          -            Fine, thank you.
                          -            Just fine, thank you.
                          -            I’m very well, thank you.
                          -            Thaks.
                          -            She is all right.
                          -            They are fine.
Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan / informasi tentang identitas diri/ data pribadi.
Contoh :
Prof Brown   : Hello, I’m Prof. Brown. How do you do ?
Sue Defoe     : How do you do ? I’m Sue Defoe
Prof Brown   : Where are you from ?
Sue Defoe     : From Canada.
Prof Brown   : I’m glad to meet you.
Contoh untuk menyatakan asal.
Kita menggunakan ungkapan :
                          -            Where are you from ?
                          -            Where do you come from ?
Seperti dialog di bawah ini !
Sue Defoe                 : Hello, I’m Sue Defoe.
Hector                       : hi, I’m Hector Gonzales
Sue Defoe                 : where are you from ?
Hector                       : I’m from Chili and you ?
Sue Defoe                 : I’m from Canada.
Hector                       : it’s nice to meet you.
Sue Defoe                 : it’s nice to meet you. Too .
Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan gembira :
                                 -            I’m happy to meet you.
                                 -            I’m glad to meet you.
                                 -            I;m pleased to meet you.
                                 -            It’s nice to meet you.
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan.
Tempat Tanggal Lahir
Kode Post
1.      What’s your name, please ?
1.      What is your birth place ?
1.      What is your birth day?
1.      What’s your address ?

1.      What’s your zip code ?
2.      May I have your nime please ?
2.      Where were you born
2.      When were you born
2.      Where do you live ?
2.      What’s your postal code ?

3.      How old are you ?

Dalam bahasa inggris ada ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri atau orang lain, untuk lebih jelasnya  mari kita lihat dialog berikut :
Mike    : Hello ! good morning I am Mike. I’m  a new student is this class.
Hasan  : Good morning. My name is Hasan. I’m the class leader.
Mike    : How do you do ? I am happy to meet you.
Hasan  : How do you do ? I am happy to meet you , too.
Mike    : who is the school principal ?
Hasan : Mr. Herman
Mike    : Thank you. Hasan.   
Contoh ke 2 .
Mike    : Hello ! good afternoon
Johan   : Good afternoon , are you Make, a new student in this class ?
Mike    : Yes, I am
Johan : How do you do ? it is nice to meet you.
Mike    : How do you do ? it is nice to meet  you. too.
1.      Are you Mike ?                 2. Is you name is Make.
Kedua kalimat ini memberikan informasi bahwa saya adalah Mike, kalimat pertama menyatakan “ saya Mike “ sedangkan kalimat kedua berarti “ nama saya Mike

Ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan dan menjawab tentang keaadaan / perasaan seseorang sebagai berikut :
Arine              : Hi, Mathew, you look so miserable, how do you feel ?
Mathew           : I feel tired ! How about you ?
Arine               : No, I’m not tired, but I’m sleepy.
Berikut ini adalah ungkapan-ungkapan pertanyaan yang digunakan unutk mengungkapkan perasaan psikisatau pisik. Misalnya :
          -            How do you feel ?
          -            How does she feel ?
          -            How does he feel ?
          -            Is he happy ?
          -            Is she depressed ?
          -            Are you hungry ?
          -            Are you thirsty ?

Bagan-bagan yang menunjukkan keadaan / perasaan seseorang yang diungkapkan dalam bentuk positif, negative dan introgatif.

Tired                                   Tired                                        Tired
Sleepy                                 Sleepy                                                 Sleepy
Text Box: I’ mText Box: Are YouText Box: I’ m notHungry                                Hungry                                    Hungry
Thirsty                                 Thirsty                                     Thirsty
Busy                                   Busy                                        Busy
Happy                                 Happy                                    Happy

Untuk menjelaskan jenis-jenis pekerjaan (profesi) dan juga mempelajari tentang article atau kata sandang yaitu
          -            Definite dan indefinite article sehubung dengan pejerjaan atau profesi.
Contohnya sebagai berikut :
Richard           : Hello ! are you Jones ?
Rachel             : No, I’m Rachel
Richard           : Oh……. Hi ! Rachel. How are ?
Rachel             : Fine, thanks and you ?
Richard           : Very well, thanks and you ?
Rachel             : I go to a university, and I take child psychology. How about you ?
what is your work ?
Richard           : I have a part time job at pharmacy, and I take an extension class on
pharmacy at Briston university.
          -            Untuk menjelaskan profesi seseorang kita dapat menggunakan kata “ a” atau “ an” kedua kata ini disebut article (kata sandang)
          -            Article “ a “ apabila profesi tersebut di awali dengan bunyi konsonan misalnya :
Singer                              a singer
Dentist                           a dentist
          -            Kata “ an “ apabila profesi diawali dengan bunyi vocal misalnya :
Artist                                           an artist
Orthopedist                                an orthopedist

          -            Penggunaan frequency adverb misalnya :
o   I usually eat breakfast
o   I seldom eat  breakfast
o   I never eat breakfast
          -            Berikut adalah dialog tentang ritinitas yang dilakukan oleh seseorang siswa mulai dari bangun tidur pukul 05.00 hingga pukul 06.00
o   Teacher            : Tell me about your  daily activities from the time you
get up until 06.00 in the morning.
o   Student           : I always get up at 05.00 o’clook.
o   Teacher            : And then ?
o   Student           : I take a bath and pray
o   Teacher            : What do you usually do after praying ?
o   Student           : I put on my clothes, and I eat breakfast
o   Teacher            : Do you always eat breakfast.
o   Student           : Yes, I do
o   Teacher            : Bread and cheese, and a glass of milk, sometimes I
have chicken porridge or fried rice.
o   Student           : I go to school at 06.00 o’clock.
o   Teacher            : How do you usually go to school ?
o   Student           : By public transportation.

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